Friday, April 30, 2010

another fibery Friday

Abi found me staring out the front door. She stood next to me and stared out.

"What are we looking at?"

"I'm trying to find something to knit for."

"Some thing? Don't you mean someone?"

"No. I said what I meant. I love looking for the ZPDK signs when I drive by...

ZPDK tag 2010

But I don't drive by that often. I need something a little closer to home."

So we stared out the front door together for a few more minutes. And then I shared my idea and what was wrong with my idea with her. We walked outside and tossed possible solutions back and forth. Abi's smart and had some good ideas. I think we worked it all out.

She's also very observant. She pointed out the fiber "growing" in the bush in our sideyard.

fiber bush

I'm pretty sure it blew from the backyard, where Em and Crystal sorted a fleece a week or so ago.

fiber close up

Or maybe it was carried by the bird who built this nest in the middle of the bush.

warm cozy nest

Fiber tagging without even trying!


Holly Bee said...

Very cool!

I keep leaving fiber out for my birds, but they won't take it.

WonderWhyGal said...

After I sort fiber hear at the farm I take any of the stuff that's too full of hay or too short to process and leave them out by the marsh as an offering to the birds. I sure hope the birds take it and not mice but when you give a gift, you can't tell the recipient how to use it...but I sure hope it's for a bird's nest and not a mouse nest.

Thank you for sharing with Fiber Arts Friday. Sorry I missed your blogger didn't refresh for me. Darn technology. I gave it a Spinny kick and it works better now.