Friday, October 30, 2009

that's what friends are for

When I heard KnitWithSnot was spending her birthday helping with a school group visit to the Farm of Wonder, I knew what I had to do. Assemble some secret ingredients...

secret ingredients

and bake her a cake. But not just any cake. The absolute most perfect cake for someone who's snot-covered, pig wrangling, charity knitting (and sewing!), zombie slaying, alpaca intern, at home on The Grange and more...all washed down with Roman Coke (there's a story there, you don't need to know it).

Oooh, this was really going to be the absolute most perfect cake. Really. Truly. I mean, rum and Coke? In a cake? BRILLIANT!

Or it would have been. If the damn thing hadn't bonded, like Zombie Prom Date Knitters, with the pan. I'd oiled it and floured it and let the cake cool slightly and ran a knife around the edges to loosen, gently turned it over on the serving plate and...nothing. I shook it. Still nothing. Shook it harder. No deal. Dropped the inverted cake in pan on plate combo a few inches to the counter. Nope. Dropped the inverted cake in pan on plate combo a foot to the floor (linoleum being slightly softer than Formica--yes, I have a shitty kitchen--and maybe not so much risk of breaking my plate). Nada. Beat that f***er with the handle of a butter knife. YES!

Uh. Sorta. Approximately half the cake was on the plate. The other half was still in the pan. So I did what any resourceful Zombie Prom Date Knitter/baker would do. I carefully peeled the rest of the cake out of the pan and glued it all back together with rum.

glued together with rum!

Rum makes everything better. It was perfect fine.


Linda said...

Sounds perfect! Besides who the hell cares what it LOOKS like as long as it TASTES good. You're an Awesome Friend!

Holly Bee said...

Are you kidding? It was the best damn cake EVER!!!!

Thank you so much for showing up and making my birthday super special, and rummy!

WonderWhyGal said...

It was the most delicious cake I have ever tasted. The followup cake last night was delightfully intoxicating too.

Thank you for cooking some awesome!