Friday, June 22, 2012

Oh, hi! Where were we?

I made enchiladas and rice for Peter's Father's Day dinner. After he went to bed, most of the rest of us stayed up very late watching The United States of Tara on Netflix. I can't show you the project I worked on because I'm not sure whether the recipient might see this. Eh, who am I kidding, it's been forever since I've made regular posts, nobody is reading here.

My last old pair of glasses, that I couldn't really see well with anyway, broke the other day. I dug out another broken (only one armed) and even older frame-less pair. The one arm cocked them sorta sideways so I got the bright idea to use wire cutters to remove the remaining arm (aren't y'all glad I'm not a doctor?) but it just fell off while I was getting situated. So. I perched the barely connected lenses on my nose and tried to watch a movie while working on the above mentioned project. Every time I looked down at my work, my makeshift pince-nez fell off my face. Onto the floor. Where I couldn't see it/them.  Yes, it's way past time for a visit with migraine-inducing, Dr. Which One is Better, 1 or 2, 2 or 3, 3 or 4.

The kids had dentist appointments for cleaning and exams  on Tuesday. Oddly, our dentist is Dr. Glass.

We celebrated my daughter, Kait's, 25th birthday on Wednesday. During dinner, she talked a little about her work. "People make huge messes because they know I will clean them up," she said.

She was the only one who laughed at my, "Oh. Mah. Gawd. Are they children? Do they call you Mom? Because the same thing happens at MY work!"

I promise fibery pics as soon as I get a chance to sort them out. For now, here's a blue jay harassing our Emo kitty, who was just napping on the window ledge before he came along and screamed at her.

1 comment:

Holly Bee said...

Hey! I still read it, yo.