Friday, July 16, 2010

Fiber Arts Friday

I've been such a bad, bad blogger. I keep meaning to take pics and make new soon as I get a little further with this or a bit more of that spun up. Or catch the lawn (near the bench in the front where I like to take pics) when it's not quite so burnt. By the time I finally get around to taking pics, the light is gone for the day. But it's okay because there's always tomorrow. And so it goes.

A few weeks couple months ago, I followed a Fiber Friday link over to Ally B. Hey, I know Ally B.! We met at Heidi's way back in November and she asked me to hold a spindle for her. We spoke about our families later as well. Anyway, I noticed I'd just missed the opportunity to enter her drawing in honor of her 300th post but I responded to that post with my comment anyway. Just because. Mostly because I dearly love anything Yarn Hollow and that sweater blank was drop dead gorgeous and why couldn't I have found the post just 30 mins or so earlier?

Ha. But it wasn't too late and she actually drew my name (she swore it wasn't rigged) and

Look at the gorgeousness I won!

Thank you, Ally B!

So, next up, I started this cashmere/silk blend during Tour de Fleece '09. It's purty and shiny and everything you want cashmere/silk to be...except fun to spin. It wants to drift and fly all over the place, including in my mouth and up my nose. Fortunately, I'm on the last bit of the 8 ounces. Haven't yet decided its final destination.


And today, I started this on my Joy. It's the first 4 ounces (of 8) of a suri/merino/tencel blend from Wonder Why Alpaca. The alpaca is from a really gorgeous suri alpaca named Confetti Reign, who's fleece I got to play with a little before it was sent off for processing. I love the subtlety of the sage merino blended with Confetti's colors. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a Feather and Fan Shawl.

Wonder Why Alpaca/merino/tensel

This post brought to you by Fiber Arts Friday, hosted by WonderWhyGal


WonderWhyGal said...

That knitting blanket is so cool! I love how it transforms into a whole new look once knitted up.

Your spinning is breathtaking and I love the Confetti/Sage you are spinning. It will be as beautiful as my girl in the pasture.

Holly Bee said...

Your spinning is amazing! I'm so happy you are blogging and photoing again!!

Linda said...

The silk is stunning, as is your spinning:)

AllyB said...

Hey, that blank is real purty, LOL Ahem, I love your handspun, it is awesome. Give that spindle to Kim next time you see her and she'll get it to me. Unless you're going to Allegan and I'll get it from you there. And maybe I could even pay you for it? You gotta let me know how much...