Wednesday, October 07, 2009

hell yes, I'm making yarn!

Remember the Romeldale? All that lovely yummy dark chocolate I've been combing? I've also been spinning. Very cool to comb a bunch, pull it off the combs into a length and take it straight to the spindle! I think I may have scared a few people taking my combs out in public yesterday. Holly made a show of scooting her chair away and LuAnn set my iced tea on the table very carefully from the side away from where I was pulling the combed top off.

Anyway, even as I spun, I wasn't sure what I was spinning for. Seems like everything is "for lace" with me these days. Because lace is easy and this should be special somehow, I decided to spin a little heavier. Two ply fingering? Could still be lace. But Elizabeth observed that it looked like squishy cables to her.

I've wanted to do a true 3 ply on my spindles (actually, don't think I've done a true 3-ply--VS Navajo/chain ply--even on a wheel). So 3-ply it is. So far, 6.8 ounces (it's drying so haven't checked WPI or yardage), which I've just realized I'll never be able to fit on my ball winder. Wugh. I'm getting quite a bit of waste in combing so I don't know how much 3-ply I'll end up with from the 2 lbs of raw fleece. I'm saving the waste to card and plan to spin it...lace weight, of course.

6.8 ounces 3-ply romeldale

Dave update: In case you missed my tweet yesterday--Saw the burn doc for the first time in two skin grafts scheduled...Nurse Mom is kicking ass with the bandages--WOOT!


Elizabeth said...

If it all won't fit onto your ball winder, just wind as much as you can with that, then hand wind the rest around it. I had to do that with a skein of Eco-Wool cause that bi-yotch was huuge!

Linda said...

I read somewhere that someone used a empty TP or Paper towel roll. Put it on your empty ball winder to be able to wind more yarn! Haven't tried it but....

Go Nurse MOM! Keep healing Dave.

WonderWhyGal said...

I have my niddy noddy you can borrow. Spinny, you inspire me! I remember when you first showed me that fleece in the raw.

You rock!

Holly Bee said...

It is beautiful.

Hey, if anyone else so those combs, they'd be skeered too!